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Polar week, day 4! Today’s motto is ‘Macro-scale’. And what could be more macro-scale than a comparison between the two polar regions? So, here is our Arctic-vs. Antarctic list of #PolarNumbers: 91.5%/7.9% of the Earth’s frozen freshwater resources are stored in the Antarctic/Greenland ice sheet, amounting to 99.4% in total […]

Polar Week: Polar Number Challenge – Take Four

Hello out there! As Arctic sea ice approaches its yearly minimum, the public interest into the Arctic normally approaches its yearly maximum. This is why we want to draw your attention to this opportunity to satisfy your hopefully unsatisfiable hunger for polar knowledge: The APECS International Polar Week from September […]

Polar week coming!

« Pourquoi diable es-tu venu ici ??? » entends-je souvent depuis 11 ans. Oui. Pourquoi ai-je donc quitté la Martinique, une île tropicale Française où la température minimale possible le matin en « hiver » est de 20°C… pour venir à Rimouski (Québec, Canada) où il neige 5 mois par année et où la […]

Des Tropiques à l’Arctique : une éternelle histoire!

My physics teacher in high school always used to tell us to think of something warm when we were complaining about being cold. These days when you definitely not have to think of something warm to feel warm, I was wondering if this would also work the other way around, […]

Something Cool On A Hot Day…