It is almost summertime in the northern hemisphere! In both Canada and Germany this means longer days and more time spent outdoors. Here at ArcTrain, we have put together a reading list for those interested in understanding our global climate, research, and  science in general. Hopefully you will pick up […]

ArcTrains Summer Reading List

You probably know the Climate Stripes. Yes, you know, the blue and red stripes representing the earth’s warming from human emissions. This powerful representation, invented by @EdHawkins, shows the average earth surface temperature change over the years. From blue to red, it demonstrates how the human greenhouse gas emissions increased […]

The Arctic Stripes

As an Early Career Scientist (ECS), conferences are essential to get to know new people, gain experience in presenting your research, and learn a lot about the current science in your research field and beyond. Here is the personal experience of Linda with online conferences. In early 2020, I made […]

Experiences with online conferences – from an Early Career Scientist ...